The signals are then used as a basis for the later transformation from radial acceleration to tire acceleration and for the evaluation of braking performance 将传感装置安装在汽车轮胎内部用以获取径向加速度信号,将制动时段的径向加速度信号通过无线通信方式向外部接收系统传送,作为后续变换处理和制动性能评估的依据。
Moreover , the components of the radial acceleration are theoretically derived , and the processing methods such as the signal sampling , the dynamic marking and storing , the noise removing , the slope comparison and the onset detection of braking operation are described 文中对加速度传感器信号的组成进行了理论推导,并阐述了传感器信号的采样、动态标注和存储、平滑去噪、斜率比较以及制动起始时刻判定等的处理方法。
If the target has a radial acceleration , conventional 2d - fft based data processing method will lead to a doppler spread in doppler domain . the high resolution of doppler domain due to coherent integration no longer holds , which is very important in target detection of othr 常规的二维fft处理在处理机动目标时往往由于目标存在径向加速度而会在多普勒域造成多普勒扩展,从而无法应用相干积累带来的多普勒域的高分辨力完成对目标的检测。
A new high power microwave source , the axial acceletron is presented in this paper . compared with the radial accelectron , an acceleration region is added after the diode / oscillator and radial acceleration is change to axial acceleration . the bunching and radiation of the electron beam in the device are investigated 最后,我们提出了一种新的高功率微波器件? ?轴向加速管,与径向加速管比较,有两个不同:在二极管/共振腔后加一个加速段,并将径向加速改为轴向加速。